Segway'n USA

Documenting my trip around the US on my very own Segway!

August 20, 2012

Well I made it 1200 miles already, and I passed through some interesting places on the way:

  1. Walla Walla, WA
  2. Magic City, ID
  3. Bountiful, UT
  4. Last Chance, CO
  5. Why, AZ
  6. Truth or Consequences, NM

July 14, 2012

Saw some Burma Shave style signs on the side of the road today:

Passing cars,
When you can't see,
May get you,
A glimpse,
Of eternity.
I definitely won't be passing any cars.

June 2, 2012

My first day of the trip! I can't believe I finally got everything packed and ready to go. Because I'm on a Segway, I wasn't able to bring a whole lot with me:

Just the essentials. As Lao Tzu would have said, A journey of a thousand miles begins with one Segway.